Articles of Interest 3.

Article in the Newtownards Chronicle 27/06/2013:- Click here.

Article in the Belfast Telegraph 06/08/2014:- Click here.

A Special Edition of the Vivre en Somme Magazine devoted to the Centenary, July 2016:-
(Contains a short article/interview on page 11):- Click here.

Dublin Branch of the Western Front Association using one of my aerial shots (top left) of the Thiepval Memorial for their 'Back to our Past' Genealogy Show.
Click here.

Article in the Newtownards Chronicle 24/11/2016:- Click here.

Article in 'Lochnagar Crater Today' - The Journal of the Friends of Lochnagar, Spring 2018:-
Preview/First page of article:- Click here
Active link to the article in the Lochnagar Crater Foundation website:- Click here.

Article in the Fermanagh Herald 08/08/2018:- Click here.

New Book:- Ulster, Ireland and the Somme: Memorials and Battlefield Pilgrimages: By Catherine Switzer.
I have contributed several photographs to this book including the front cover shot:- Click here
Available on Amazon etc:- Click here.

New Book:- Tweets from the Trenches: Little True Stories of Life and Death On The Western Front: By Jacqueline Carmichael.
I have contributed several photographs to this book:- Click here
Available on Amazon etc:- Click here.

New Book:- Men of Morden: Guilden Morden and the Great War: By Julie Robinson.
I have contributed several photographs to this book:- Click here
Available through the author's website:- Click here.

Video images used in the Official video - 'Wolves and the Hideous White', by The Crawling.
Click here.

Competition Winner:- April 2019, Photo Competition organised by the Thiepval Visitor Centre, Somme:-
Click here.

Old Front Line, WW1 podcast with Paul Reed, 'Walking The Somme: Newfoundland Park':-
Aerial photographs contributed.
Click here.

Lochnagar Crater photograph used in the latest edition of 'Esprit Hauts-de-France' magazine.
Click here.

Articles in 'Lochnagar Crater Today' - The Journal of the Friends of Lochnagar, Autumn 2020:-
Photographs and information contributed.
Click here.

New Book:- Heard Amid the Guns: True Stories from the Western Front 1914-1918: By Jacqueline Carmichael.
Nice to get a mention in the book! Click here to view the front cover
Available on Amazon etc:- Click here.

Article in WFA Bulletin 118. 'Finding Private Roberts: The lost North Irish Horseman of the Somme, by Phillip Tardif.
Photographs contributed.
Click here.

'The Maple Leaf' - The magazine of the Central Ontario Branch WFA / Vol 38, Fall 2020..
Photograph contributed for centre spread.
Click here.

Article in 'Lochnagar Crater Today' - The Journal of the Friends of Lochnagar, Spring 2021:-
Photographs contributed.
Click here.

WFA Calendar 2022.
Photographs contributed from Quarry Cemetery, Zivy Crater and Guards' Cemetery.

Ulster Tower 100
Images used by the Somme Association & Somme Museum to commemorate 100 years of the Ulster Tower.
Click here.

Old Front Line, WW1 podcast with Paul Reed, 'Vimy Ridge: The Crater Cemeteries':-
Aerial photograph contributed.
Click here.

Article in The Butte de Warlencourt Newsletter, Spring 2022:-
Click here.

Some of my videos used to help make this excellent virtual tour of 'Ilot de la Boisselle' by Gil Bossuyt:-
Click here.

Some of my images used in this video to accompany the song,'The 36th (The Finest Men)', by Alan Brydon released on the 106th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme:-
Click here.

New Book:- 'Dundrod Circuit': By Leslie Moore.
I have contributed several photographs to this book.
Click here

Competition winner.
My image from Warlencourt British Cemetery has been chosen by the CWGF for their calendar for January 2023.
An image of mine, from Pozières British Cemetery & Memorial, also made the calendar shortlist.
Click here.
Commonwealth War Graves Foundation calendars:- Click here.

New Book:- At The Going Down Of The Sun Messines, Neuve Eglise, Wulverghem & Bailleul, by Paul Chapman.
Front cover image contributed.
Click here.

New Book:- 'Barry Symmons - My Honda Years': By Leslie Moore.
I have contributed several photographs to this book.
Click here.

WFA Calendar 2023.
Several images contributed to the 2023 calendar.

The Journal of the Friends of Lochnagar, Spring 2023:-
Front cover photograph contributed.
Click here

Competition winner.
My image from The Thiepval Memorial has been chosen by the CWGF for their calendar for November 2024.
Available to order at the attached CWGF link:-Click here
To view image Click here

WFA Calendar 2024.
Image contributed to the 2024 calendar.

Image used in an article in the Belfast News Letter
To view Click here
