
Full versions of some of these videos, can be found further down this page and along with many others viewed on my YouTube channel which can be accessed at the foot of the page:-

(The still images taken during these flights are viewable in the 'Articles/Events of Interest' section of this website, subsection - 'The Somme - from the air').

Microlight flight clips - Somme:-


Somme/Pas de Calais compilation:-


...For The Fallen.....November's visits...:-


Western Front Compilation:-


The Town of Albert:-


Ypres Salient/Somme compilation:-


Area of the Ancre Valley:-


The Bouzincourt Tunnels, Somme:-


Ranville War Cemetery, Calvados, Normandy.:-


Le Tommy, Café du Souvenir - Musée/Museum, Pozières, Somme:-


Microlight flight over the Somme (Full version):-


Microlight Flight, Somme, 8th October, 2015 (Full version):-


© SK Photos.